John Ervin
(419) 838-6536
The Fiscal Officer, by law, is independent of the Trustees and is responsible for recording township proceedings; keeping accurate records of township financial accounts and transactions, creating statements of receipts and expenditures. The Fiscal Officer’s duties also include administering oaths of office, certifying Township affidavits, issuing checks, preparing payrolls, and recording Township boundary changes. The Fiscal Officer assists the Trustees and Department heads in formulating appropriations and a Township budget.
The Township Fiscal Office and the Trustees must work together, particularly in fiscal matters. Their collective goal is to ensure all decisions and actions comply with the laws and regulations governing township governance.
Below you will find the calculations supporting the need for the new 1.5 mill levy that will appear on the November ballot. The calculations show revenue and expenditures in year 1 and the year 5 that include the expected revenue from the new levy as well as the addition of 4 full-time paramedics.
The levy is expected to cost the owner of a $100,000 home $53 per year and generate approximately $530,000 per year.
Please contact me via phone or email if you have questions.
John Ervin
Lake Township Fiscal Officer